When it comes to exercise, one should always give their best effort. But when conditions aren’t ideal, consistency surpasses effort. One example would be when traveling. Perhaps you’ve been attending a great workout class in your hometown, but now find yourself on the road and without the facilities you would usually use to exercise. What to do? Below you will find a quick, effective, equipment-free workout that can be completed almost anywhere in 15 minutes. And while it won’t be equivalent to your principal routine, it will keep you consistent, which is ultimately more important.
15-minute hotel room workout
Perform the following in a circuit, doing 8-12 repetitions of each exercise. Rest 20-30 seconds between each exercise. Repeat the circuit for 3 to 4 rounds.
- Chair Squat – using a chair or the edge of a bed, slowly push the hips back, bending the knees and lowering until seated. Then, press the feet into the ground and return to an upright standing position. Try to keep the shoulders above hips throughout the range of motion.
- Glute Bridge – Lying on your back, bend knees until feet are flat on the floor. Press feet into the ground and push hips up toward the ceiling. Slowly lower the hips without touching the floor and repeat.
- Reverse Crunch – Remaining on your back, press elbows into the ground by your side. Bend your hips and knees 90 degrees then raise your pelvis towards your sternum. Use your core to return hips to the ground in a controlled manner.
- Plank or Push-up – Starting from a plank position, lower the upper body towards the floor, then press into the ground and return to the starting position. Keep elbows pointed down towards the hips, forming an arrow shape with the upper body, not a T. Can be done on the knees if necessary.
John Schaffer earned his master’s in Applied Physiology from Columbia University and is a certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS) by the NSCA. When not working one-on-one with NYC’s most discerning clientele, he books work as a fit-model for brands such as Under Armour, Nick Graham, and Vogue. He can be contacted for inquiries at www.cityphysiology.com